What is Leadership?
When Are you a Leader?
The essence is that if you feel like a leader, you do the right thing, have courage, set direction, follow inspiring visions, and are innovative. Leadership is about finding the best, committing to yourself and others, understanding self and others, and striving for an overview.
Leaders help others and themselves, constantly.
Is this you?
The right leader inspires because of her or his personal growth and the results that she or he creates. And a true leader knows that before outer action there is an inner understanding.
We, at the Center of Innovation for Leaders, understand that a leader needs much more than professional knowledge. They need broad self-knowledge to start with. We say that the crux of leadership development is an evolving emotional education in combination with an intentional strengthening of who you are or who you want to be.
It is about using all aspects of yourself to your own benefit and to the benefit of the people with whom you work. You are interested in your dark and light personality traits. You are not afraid to confront your obstacles or obscure parts so you can move forward. Indeed, a true leader gets that fear – however small, big, or hidden – is part of moving ahead.
The leaders we work with, look inward to examine their own strengths and weaknesses. They find their truths and insights. And they are also willing and happy to listen to external input on how they can grow and tweak their habits: they will decide what input works for them. They are students in the sense that they are eager to obtain tools to help themselves and others.
Many of our clients, even those who are highly accomplished and productive, complain that they (occasionally) lack emotional clarity in key areas of their life. Therefore they search for great coaches and mentors who can journey through uncharted personality and character traits with them. They look for a coach who has the courage to go to the resistant and unwilling areas in their character in order to transform them.
Our clients understand that willpower alone is not the elixir that expands and opens up what has been resistant or non-compliant in their personality, in their leadership, or in their projects.
At the Center of Innovation for Leaders, we say that emotional clarity and intellectual clarity are two very different things even though they belong together.
Intellectual clarity exists in the world of the “shoulds”: I should do, be that. I should finish this, I should create balance, I should pull of…
Emotional clarity comes when we feel on the inside that what we are compelled to do is in alignment with what we intellectually believe we should do. From that alignment follows a natural action and discipline.
It takes time to grow and develop. Becoming a great leader can be a lengthy and challenging process of learning and change.
We all know how disorganized, fragmented, and chaotic everyone’s workday can be. And as work becomes more complex, how can you add time for self-development towards leadership? The Center of Innovation for Leaders aims to have the client use himself/ herself/themselves as the instrument to get things done in business, in the organization, or the community. You learn the lessons best in an experiential way: most of the time leadership is inspired by deeper personal experiences and reflection time.
For a free assessment and strategy session to develop (more) Personal Leadership schedule a call with Master Coach Mooniek Seebregts. Our office: 916-812-8012
For more information: contact@CenterofInnovationforLeaders.com
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