by Mooniek Seebregts
Our work with Personal Leadership is for individuals and for each person in a team. Most often we experience that people crave education and experiences to end disinterest, needless struggle, and conflict. Many want a broader understanding of their potential and thus,...
by Mooniek Seebregts
How to Become the Leader You Would Like to Follow! Personal leadership is about influencing and leading yourself foremost –before leading others. The title of this post is tricky, but basically what it is trying to say is that you’d be so proud of...
by Mooniek Seebregts
Ready for a One Day VIP Coaching Personal Leadership? It really isn’t easy to come up with solutions when you can see the problems. If you feel challenged with any or all of the following: Challenges in the area of communication Feeling overwhelmed, stressed, or...
by Mooniek Seebregts
What webinar about Personal Leadership interests you? Let’s first look at what Personal Leadership entails. Personal Leadership is about finding and committing to the best in ourselves, striving for perspective, striving to do the right thing, it is about having...
by Mooniek Seebregts
What are the Common Challenges Your Team Experiences? Poor communication (not listening carefully, not speaking clearly. Texting or emails instead of face-to-face conversations when there are critical issues). Not being a team player (dominating the situations,...